Extreme Difficult Behaviour

Dealing with extreme persistent and difficult staff behaviour in the workplace.

Difficult staff behaviour is a growing problem for all Organisations. As well as continuous demands of customers and clients more problems develop within the workplace due to often extreme persistent and difficult staff behaviour at all levels.

This unique ITC programme developed by Martin Smith is not purely about bullying or difficult behaviour but seeks to help organisations and managers understand excessive persistent difficult behaviour from staff in the workplace and ways to handle it more effectively.

When dealing with persistent and difficult staff behaviour it is vital to approach from two perspectives; an organisational and interpersonal perspective; neither one alone is as effective as both utilised together.


In this world of ever increasing demands and targets coupled with an ever-decreasing level of staff, handling ongoing staff issues effectively is essential to maximise individual, team and organisational effective practice.

Over the past few years this programme has proved very useful and enlightening to a range of organisations and managers at all levels. Within the programme Martin looks at a number of key aspects including:

  • Understanding extreme difficult behaviour.
  • Understanding how it develops.
  • Identifying the “Predator and Prey”.
  • Awareness of difficult personality types
  • Developing strategies to manage extreme difficult behaviour in the workplace.
  • Use of an active case study to identify language and behaviour of an EDB.
  • Recognise key warning signs to help tackle extreme difficult behaviour at an early stage.

This programme is delivered in two parts, the first is an overview of the above key areas and the second part is a highly interactive skills based course where participants get chance to practice the skills and strategies highlighted in part on.